Marketing & Research

Brand & Product Research

Brand and product research is about collecting information that gives decision-makers the information they need to find a solution. Often, the information that clients need to know is to understand the industry, the competition, and the buyers. Common research topics range from how the marketplace views your firm to who your true competitors are and how you differ from them. In short, you can gain insight into the entire client journey.

Data-driven decision-making is an essential part of business. Scientific, empirical data provides companies and organizations with guidance that is grounded in real-world experiences encountered by their target market and customers. This allows companies to have a distinct market advantage over their competitors, allowing them to be more responsive and to be more competitive in a rapidly-changing world.

While the data doesn’t provide a definitive answer, we at KKBC believe that when companies understand their target market, including their current clients, they can better anticipate emerging needs to develop relevant, high-margin services and market them efficiently. This is especially true when an international company enters a new market, and is doubly valid in a unique and insular market like Japan.

Our Capabilites
Brand Research

Product Research

Concept Research

Package Research

Usability Testing

Customer Satisfaction


There is more than what we see on the surface when it comes to Japan research. It is not like we can just pop out some keywords on Google and all the data we need will instantly appear. KKBC is here to help you enrich the insight you need to devise the right marketing tactics.

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